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Holding Ropes


From the get go, we must use words that help us, empower us, fill us with the greatest potential for SUCCESS.


We are not stressed; we do not have problems; we are not defeated; we are not down and out.


We ARE faced with CHALLENGES and they can be solved, overcome, and climbed!


And we will attack those Challenges and make progress towards our goals!

Solve Challenges !


Coping is just a beginning...


Solving is the goal !


We all engage in problem solving every day. It is automatic for many of the small decisions that we make on a daily basis. For example, do I eat now or later? We decide quickly depending on craving, need, availability, etc... and then we just do it. We may think about what we did or didn't do later, but the action taken is usually quite swift.


Larger problems are addressed in a similar way. For example: “I have tasks that need to be done by the end of the week. How am I going to get them all done on time?” After considering the possible strategies, 1 is chosen and implemented. If it proves to be ineffective, a different strategy is tried. When we can define problems, consider options, make choices, and implement a plan have all the basic skills required for effectively solving our challenges. Sometimes following a step-by-step procedure for defining problems, generating solutions, and implementing solutions can make the process of problem solving seem less overwhelming.




Find a change partner. Find your change partner. You can find anyone you like to work with you from a friend, family member, colleague, mentor, coach, etc… You can also find a professional counselor, consultant, or coach to collaborate with to get you closer to your goals. So make sure it's not just you working on this. Make sure it is WE. Make sure you are working with ONE trusted, informed, and patient, person and work on this TOGETHER and not alone. This is the most important step and most of us start of on shaky ground by thinking and trying to do everything by ourselves. When there is a WE, then WE are guaranteed to succeed far more than by being alone. Just like the rock climber, WE has your back.


Doing things by yourself is like climbing a mountain without any safety ropes or gear. Very risky business. We must learn to put our ego learned behaviors aside and learn to seek WE for guidance, mentorship, advice, information, input, different perspectives... If you have made a boat, you have to put it in the water to see if it works. Doing it together means there are other boats around you when you try so there is someone there in case it starts to sink. Someone who can help you either patch it up or even make a newer and better boat. So be good to yourself and engage in the WE.


6 Step Guide

1 - Identify the Challenge

  • State the problem as clearly as possible.

  • For example: “I don’t have enough money to pay the bills.”

  • Be specific about the behavior, situation, timing, and circumstances that make it a problem.

  • For example: “I need to pay the phone and gas bills, and I don’t have enough money to cover both this month.”


2 - Generate Possible Solutions

  • List as many solutions as possible. 

  • Don’t worry about the quality of the solutions at this stage.

  • Be creative and forget about the quality of the solution.

  • When we allow ourselves to be creative, we come up with solutions that we would never have thought about.


3 - Evaluate Alternatives      

  • In evaluating all these alternatives we need to take into account whatever is most important to us:  

  • Principles, budget, time, aesthetics, consequences, advantages, disadvantages, etc, etc, etc...

  • We must also assign a PROBABILITY to each alternative.

  • That means, "What is the likelihood of this really happening."

  • Order the remaining solutions in order of preference given all these parameters.


4 - Decide

  • Now we have finally decided on which alternative we are going to try, for now.

  • Specify who, what, when, where, how, and why.

  • For example: tomorrow morning, phone the gas company and negotiate to pay the gas bill next month.


5 - Implement

  • Do it and let's see how well it works.

  • What is its' success rate?

  • We will only know by finally DOING it.


6 - Evaluate & Modify

  • Evaluate how effective the solution was.

  • Decide whether the existing plan needs to be revised, or whether a new plan is needed to better address the problem.


7 - Repeat...

  • As often as needed or desired...

  • If you are not pleased with the outcome, return to step 2 to select a new solution or revise the existing solution, and repeat the remaining steps.

  • Or... find a new challenge to solve :)


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