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Facing a challenge

is a journey

best taken with another.


We invite you,

to see how, together 

your biggest challenges

can be understood

and overcome.


What’s Your Challenge?



As our world grows ever smaller and more complex, the demands from partners, family, friends, our work place, and ourselves can get overwhelming to say the least. We experience this, in varying degrees, as issues related related to anxiety, behavioral disorders, emotional disregulation, depression, connection dissociations, relationship problems, substance use and abuse, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive issues, paranoia, PTSD, acute stress disorder (ASD)... All in all, a decline in our functionality and quality of life as social creatures.


The journey towards reclaiming oneself and becoming who you know you are is possible and probable. The key is to make sure you are not traveling this journey by yourself... you have to find yourself a trusted advisor, mentor, guide, support, sponsor... someone who is really listening to you and helping you achieve whatever it is that you desire to achieve.

Connected Golden Spheres

Working Together


One of the most important factors in healing, growing, and sustaining anything is one's ability to share and collaborate.


The more you can do that, the more successful you will be.

Walk a path alone and all you will see is what "you" can see...Walk that path together and experience much more.

Fist Bump

Find support, peace, awareness, strength, and success.

Our CCT Model


The CCT Model (Comprehensive, Change, Therapy) understands there are many therapies and modalities out there. Like antibiotics, they all work well, but just as some people are deathly allergic to penicillin and require a healthier antibiotic, we all have all have our own experience and belief system that requires the best treatment, from whatever modality, which fits the client. CCT offers us a chance to design and affect your cognition, emotions, and behaviors so you can get back to the quality of life you want, given your specific situation and context. 

Old Pier

We are all unique. Allow us to join your journey and support you. Let's find out what works for you!

Counseling, Consulting, and Coaching


At Sacred Sanctuare we utilize 3 constant modes of effective support: 


  • Counseling helps you reflect and understand yourself.


  • Consulting brings in expert information for you to apply.


  • Coaching supports you to implement what we are learning so we can actually get something done.




Get started by arranging your first 1-hour meet and greet consultation for Free. Chat with your change partner and find out how we work together. 


If we are great fit... Wonderful!

If something doesn't click... No worries :)


We can connect immediately over a phone call or by Zoom. We can also meet in person if that works better for you. The choice is yours.

Nature Reserve

Sacred Sanctuare


We all need a safe, secure, and confidential space where we can be free to be ourselves without judgement. That place could be here at Sacred Sanctuare - a safe and sacred place, a sanctuary designed just for you.

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